Frama Matrix F82 franking machine review

The modern business environment is constantly on the quest for efficiency and cost-effectiveness, particularly when it comes to routine operations like mailing. Franking machines have long been integral to streamlining the process of sending out large volumes of post. One of the contenders in this market is the Frama Matrix F82, a franking machine designed for businesses with substantial mailing requirements.

This review delves into its features, performance, and overall value for UK businesses.

Video: Common questions about buying or renting a franking machine

Frama Matrix F82 at a glance

SpeedUp to 140 letters per minute
Envelope ThicknessUp to 10mm
Scale CapacityDynamic weighing up to 2kg
ConnectivityLAN connection for software updates and tariff rates
ScreenColour touchscreen
Dimensions (W x D x H)Approx. 830mm x 380mm x 220mm
WeightApprox. 30kg
Maximum Envelope SizeC4
Job MemoryAbility to store frequent jobs
Print Quality600 dpi
Print TechnologyThermal Transfer
Departmental AccountsMultiple accounts available (exact number varies)
Security FeaturesPIN-protected operation
Postage DiscountsAccess to Royal Mail franking discounts
Additional FeaturesDate and time stamp, custom slogans and logos
Frama Matrix F82 specification

Key features

The Matrix F82 from Frama boasts several features tailored for high-volume mail processing. Notably, it offers automatic feeding and franking, capable of handling up to 140 letters per minute. This feature is invaluable for businesses that dispatch hundreds of pieces of mail daily, providing both time and labour savings.

Another standout feature is its colour touchscreen, which simplifies operation and navigation through its functions. The user interface is designed to be intuitive, ensuring that even those with minimal training can operate the machine effectively.

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Additionally, the F82 is equipped with up-to-date tariff information, which can be easily updated via a LAN connection. This ensures that users always pay accurate postal rates, avoiding overpayment and the inconvenience of manual tariff updates.

The machine also offers a dynamic weighing platform, which quickly measures and franks letters of varying sizes and weights, facilitating seamless processing of mixed mail.

Performance and ease of use

In terms of performance, the Frama Matrix F82 is engineered to meet the demands of a busy mailroom. The speed at which it processes mail is impressive, with few jams or interruptions reported. It is reliable during continuous use, a critical factor for businesses that cannot afford downtime.

Ease of use is another pivotal factor in the review of the F82. The aforementioned touchscreen interface, paired with the automatic feeder, makes the process of franking mail as straightforward as possible. This reduces the likelihood of human error and minimises the training required for staff.

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From a cost perspective, the F82 could represent significant savings for a medium to large-sized business. By accurately measuring and pricing each item of mail, it eliminates the risk of over-stamping and the potential waste of funds. Moreover, franked mail is generally cheaper than using traditional stamps, and the F82 allows users to take full advantage of Royal Mail franking discounts.

Frama Matrix F82 price – purchase and rental

When it comes to acquiring a franking machine like the Frama Matrix F82, businesses typically have two primary options: outright purchase or rental. Both routes have their distinct advantages and cost implications, which should be carefully evaluated against the business’s financial strategy and mailing needs.

Cost TypePurchase Estimate (£)Rental Estimate (£/month)
Machine Cost10,000 – 12,000200 – 400
Ink Cartridges100 – 200/cartridgeIncluded / Separate cost
Labels & EnvelopesVariable (per item)Variable (per item)
Service & MaintenanceIncluded initiallyIncluded
Additional Service Call150 – 300/call150 – 300/call
Frama Matrix F82 pricing and costs

Purchase costs

Purchasing the Frama Matrix F82 outright can be a considerable investment, with prices potentially ranging from £10,000 to £12,000, depending on the supplier and the specific service agreement included. This cost often includes installation and a basic level of training for staff.

Businesses that prefer to own their equipment outright may find this option appealing despite the higher initial cost because it eliminates ongoing rental fees and may provide a more straightforward tax deduction as a capital expense.

Rental costs

Rental agreements for the F82 offer a more flexible approach, typically involving a monthly fee that can range from £200 to £400. This fee usually covers the machine itself, along with a service and maintenance contract, which can alleviate concerns about additional costs for repairs or servicing.

The rental option often suits businesses looking for less financial commitment upfront and those preferring to spread the cost over time. It may also appeal to companies expecting to upgrade their equipment regularly or those with fluctuating mailing needs.

Additional costs

Whether purchasing or renting, there are additional costs to consider. These may include:

  • Ink cartridges: Franking machines require proprietary ink, and the cost for Frama Matrix F82 cartridges can be approximately £100 to £200 per cartridge, depending on capacity.
  • Labels and envelopes: Special franking labels are needed for parcels and large envelopes that do not fit through the machine, which can add a minor cost per item.
  • Service and maintenance: If not included in the rental agreement or after the purchase warranty expires, servicing costs for a technician can vary, often around £150 to £300 per call-out.
  • Insurance: If the machine is purchased, the business will need to consider the cost of insuring the equipment against damage or breakdown.

Maintenance and support

Frama offers comprehensive maintenance and support services for the Matrix F82. Regular servicing is vital for maintaining the machine’s performance and longevity, and Frama’s service packages are designed to be straightforward and responsive.

The company also provides customer support through various channels, including phone and online assistance. This is crucial for rapidly resolving any issues and minimising disruption to mailing operations.

Frama Matrix F82 – The verdict

The Frama Matrix F82 is a robust and efficient franking machine that is well-suited to businesses with heavy mailing needs. Its blend of speed, ease of use, and cost-effectiveness makes it a compelling option for UK enterprises looking to optimise their postal operations.

While the initial outlay for a machine of this calibre may be substantial, the potential savings and operational efficiencies it offers could well justify the investment for the right business. If you have a smaller business with lower volume of mail, look elsewhere.

As with any significant business purchase, it is important to consider the specific needs of your operation and weigh them against the features and benefits of the F82 to determine its suitability for your organisation.

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